
“If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.”  –George Bernard Shaw Our friends recently had a litter of puppies. The runt was several pounds smaller than her thriving littermates. She struggled and fought several times each day...

My Inspiration for Clever Elsie

Clever Elsie is the name of a Grimm’s tale. After I stumbled across it I found myself kind of obsessing about it. This poor girl. She needed a happy ending! (Would it have really killed you to fudge the ending Grimm boys?) So I started to create a story for Elsie....

Authenticity in Writing

The experience and wisdom of a high school teacher is not a thing to take lightly. I learned to sew in Mrs. Patterson’s Home Economics class. We spent the semester making pin cushions, mastering the slip stitch, making pillows, and learning the art of the sewing...

My Efforts to Create a Relevant Online Writing Presence

A friend recently asked me if I make any money when I blog. The answer: Nope. Which means I’m probably doing it wrong. Instead my goal is to create something of an online presence and establish some credibility among readers. Then when I finally get something out...
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